Charlotte Hit & Run Accident Attorney

Real Representation Achieving Real Results

A hit and run accident happens when a driver leaves the scene of a car accident before they exchange identifying insurance information. The driver does not even need to have caused the accident. As long as they leave too soon, they have committed a hit and run accident, which is both illegal and extremely frustrating for everyone else who had stayed as they should.

If you were struck by a driver who fled the scene, then you should know that you have options to seek compensation. Don’t give up just because an insurance company says your chances of getting compensation are slim to none. Discover what you can really do by working with Payne Law Firm in Charlotte. With our Charlotte hit and run accident lawyers leading the way, you can pursue a fair recovery without dealing with all the legal heavy lifting yourself.

We take every case seriously. Call (713) 999-4801 now.

Do Insurance Companies Cover Hit & Runs?


The aftermath of a hit and run accident will make it seem like there is no insurance company that will help you recover from your damages. After all, if you never identified the other driver, then how can you expect to file against their insurance policy. In that question lies the answer: You won’t file against their insurance policy. Instead, you might be able to file a claim through yours.

For the most part, the uninsured motorist (UM) insurance policies that auto insurance companies sell to their policyholders can be used after a hit and run accident. A driver who is unidentified effectively has no insurance as far as the insurance company considers it.

There are two catches to UM insurance, though:

  1. You have to purchase the policy as an optional add-on in most cases, so, there is a chance that you did not have UM coverage at the time of your crash unless you know you added it.
  2. You have to file against your auto insurance provider, which can still challenge your claim even though they should be working for you as someone who pays them once monthly for service and coverage.

Our legal team from Payne Law Firm is always ready to deal with any insurance company, including those paid by our clients.

What Compensation Can You Get for a Hit & Run?

Another issue that can come up in a hit and run accident case is the issue of compensation. What can you receive after you were hurt in a hit and run? The answer depends on the details of your UM insurance coverage, but it is likely that you won’t be eligible to sue for as many damages as you could have had the liable driver been identified.

Commonly, hit and run accident or UM insurance coverage will pay for three types of damages:

  • Vehicle repairs or replacement costs, up to a cap and with a deductible
  • Medical bills and treatment costs, up to a cap
  • Wages lost while recovering, up to a time or value cap

Car accident claims often include pain and suffering damages, also called non-economic damages. The plaintiff essentially demands monetary compensation for the hardships they have endured and the permanent disabilities they now have due to the defendant’s negligence. In a hit and run accident claim filed against your auto insurance company, though, you might not be able to claim non-economic damages since the defendant didn’t cause your injuries.

What Should I Do If Someone Hits My Car & Runs?

In a best-case scenario, you will be able to somehow identify the driver who hit you and then fled the scene. If possible, you can file against their insurance policy and your case will be managed like an average car accident claim, not a hit and run case. To make this happen, though, you probably need to act quickly and call the police immediately after being in a crash that causes a serious injury or if the other driver starts to leave.

When talking to the police after a hit and run, try to tell them the following:

  • Basic description of the other driver
  • Description of the other car, including color, make, and model
  • As many digits of the license plate as you can recall
  • Parts of their car that struck yours or were damaged
  • Direction the driver fled

You never know if the police will be able to track down the other driver and make an arrest. They cannot guarantee results, of course, but it is worth making the report. With some luck, the driver will be apprehended and removed from the road before they can hurt someone else with their reckless driving. 

Contact us online at any time. Our hit and run accident lawyers in Charlotte are here to help.


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When You Want to Start Your Case, Contact Us

North Carolina allows personal injury claims like hit and run accident claims to be filed within three years of the date of the accident. You cannot wait for the full three years to take action, though. Depending on your insurance policy, you might only have a matter of days or weeks to still report the accident to your insurer, who could be responsible for your damages. If you wait too long, then they could refute your claim outright.

Take action today. Call (713) 999-4801 and connect with the Payne Law Firm hit and run accident attorneys in Charlotte. Together, we can pursue justice and compensation in your name.

What Sets Us ApArt

serious lawyers for serious accidents

client Focused

We will help you every step of the way, providing answers to your questions and continuing to update you on the status of your case.

A History of Success

We have helped over a thousand injured individuals and families get the compensation they deserved.


We not only understand the complexities of insurance companies but know how to fight them.

Full Transparency

Our team knows the importance of your case and is committed to doing what is best for you.

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